Islamabad, Nov 9, (Asia Free Press): Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan has reaffirmed that the Jammu and Kashmir dispute must be resolved in accordance with United Nations Security Council resolutions and the wishes of the Kashmiri people in order to ensure long-term peace and stability in South Asia.
On Monday, Youssef Aldoubeay, the OIC Special Envoy for Jammu and Kashmir, met with Pakistani PM Imran Khan in Islamabad. The Assistant Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs, Tarig Bakhit, and senior members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) delegation were also present on the occasion.
The importance of OIC’s principled position and Islamic Ummah’s resolute support for Kashmiri people’s right to self-determination was reaffirmed by Prime Minister Khan.
He highlighting the atrocities being committed in Indian Occupied Jammu Kashmir (IOJK), the most militarised zone in the world.
He emphasised the need for the OIC, UN, and other human rights organisations to be granted full access to IOJK to conduct independent investigations of human rights violations and report them.
In addition, he called for humanitarian aid and support for the people of IOJK.
Later, on Monday evening, Pakistan’s Foreign Secretary Sohail Mahmood also met the OIC Special Envoy on Jammu & Kashmir, Yousef Aldoubeay & Assistant Secretary General (Humanitarian Affairs) Mr. Tariq Bakhit.
Foreign Secretary highlighted India’s systemic violations of Human Rights in IOJK, & suppression of inalienable right to self-determination of Kashmiri people.
The delegation of OIC led by Special Envoy for Jammu and Kashmir Yousef Aldobeay arrived in Islamabad on Sunday for a six-day visit to Pakistan and the Azad Jammu and Kashmir.
Established by the 14th OIC Summit in Makkah in 2019, the OIC’s Special Envoy on Jammu and Kashmir has played an important leadership role in steering the Organization’s principled position on this issue.