The trajectory from emotionalism to an intellectual attachment
Fetching the dividend from the Emotionally attached youth of Pakistan can generate kinetic energy, but fine-tuning is required for nation-building in line with patriotism and nationalism. Youth is an identified precious asset of our underdeveloped Nation that needs direction while transforming emotions into energy.
65 % of the total population of Pakistan is young, 4.5 Million in teaching institutes, and 0.2 Million still at bay from schools. Among 4.5 Million, 2.5 are studying in Madrasas.
Youth is the nursery of Pakistan, upon which change can be grafted. Immediate attention at the top priority is required to seed the true progressive change because wishful thing demands the homework at the grass route level.
After all, the Nation’s future depends upon it. An emotionally charged youth is a valuable asset; however, transforming this energy as human resources into absolute power can only come through capacity building. It has a linear relationship with Pakistan’s development and the overall healthy well-being of the Nation.
Rethinking is required in a conventional mindset because we can’t expect different results while repeating the same experiment through hallow political slogans; therefore, change is only possible while changing our mindset through the power of Knowledge. Capacity building is required at various stages of youth, particularly building the leadership acumen multi-dimensionally and multi-disciplinary from the cohort group of 18 to 30.
Building a future leader in various disciplines is a practical module to get away from the past when the present is turbulent and build a safe tomorrow. It is pertinent to mention that historians, poets, novelists, etc., live in nostalgia- At the same time, as thinkers apply the futuristic practitioner approach on the set modeling, we presently have no planning except to dig the past, which is gone. However, the future is still safe if we understand the nuances of youth constituency while knowing their requirements.
There is a generation gap, and we must start working upon them today. It is the nursery of any nation to bank upon; however, it is a total wastage of time to work occupied lot that cannot be brought away from the occupied mindset; therefore, change is impossible. Emotionally charged youth is the right stuff, and we can ensure that they stand upon their legs and not rely upon the crutches; therefore, rethinking is a must. We need to take the threads to form lost history that disseated us from the power matrix.
The same is adopted by great powers who lubricated the human resources, knowing their weakness while their geographical location was cold hell. We did not even take advantage of it though Indus Valley Civilization used to be grain bowel vis-a-vis the legacy of the Muslims in the Middle Ages.
First, we need to remove our potential youth from the inferiority complex. They need to be taught that uttering the few words in a foreign language is not intellect, or wearing the fractured denim pants does not make them civilized or gentlemen. We need to explain fresh minds that rise and fall vis-Ã -vis crests and troughs had a linear relationship with your intellectual capacity to find the solutions to the existing problems empirically compared to the available resources and possibilities.
Our elders used to be intellectually mature enough; it is why the first Kairouan University was established in Fez- Morocco, in 859 when Europe was passing through the dark ages. Catholic Pope Silvester-ii was the first European to benefit from Muslims who developed the study of Maths after he studied in Cordoba in Muslim Spain. America was not even discovered, and China was riddled with opium.
To refine the understanding requires an intellectual imputes to change emotional thinking with intellectual attachment. It is a compulsion because wishful thinking is emotionally charged at the precipitating stage, while intellect is dormant because it is not refined. To find the solutions to the queries, we need to transform emotions into precious substances. Youth carries the spark.
Furthermore, intellect only comes through capacity building. Noam Chomsky rightly said; that sometimes the questions are complicated, but the answer is simple. The future generation of Pakistan is caught in a dilemma and confusion.
Three basic things are vital 1) The security and sovereignty of youth are guaranteed in Pakistan; therefore, they can focus on the objectives. It is the minimum essential requirement to flourish. Therefore, we need to take advantage of it. 2)Secondly, Pfizer award winner Bill Durant says; if you know the language, you can reach the essence of Knowledge; therefore, this excuse also carries no weight that our youth has no access to Knowledge which is power. 3), None in Pakistan lives hungry. If these basic requirements are met, why do we lag demands an empirical answer because we will enter the next millennium when words disappear, and the digits will be fully on the seat?
Lecturing at 21 Universities of Pakistan, all Universities of AJ&K, including the 7 Policy institutes and 13 colleges, has produced enough primary data to understand the direction of the youth. It is the first-hand data from which the quantitative analysis is carried. The 76 questions were collected during direct Q&A sessions with 16971 students. One thing was common during the interactive sessions. The students’ emotional attachment with the Nation. This energy must be utilized; it is a precious asset that can bring the Nation out of the debris. However, it is the raw material. We need a three-prong strategy with a timeline. The short term, Median term, and a long time to change the emotional attachment into ideological and intellectual one.