GENEVA (AFP) – Pakistan on Saturday expressed concern over UN role and silence on grave human rights violations in disputed territories and state-sponsored attacks on Muslims in India.
Speaking at the the Interactive Dialogue with the President Human Rights Council on presentation of Report of the Human Rights Council, Islamabad Acting Permanent Representative, Ambassador Aamir Khan said that the Human Rights Council (HRC) was established to promote impartiality, transparency, objectivity, non-selectivity and non-politicization in dealing with human rights situations around the world.
“However, it is a matter of deep concern that these noble principles are being compromised due to political considerations,” he said.
Talking about the human rights situations in UN-recognized disputed territories and territories under foreign occupation, he said neglecting these territories allows Occupying Powers to enact draconian laws there to provide their security forces the impunity for violations of human rights as a means of avoiding international scrutiny and enabling the foreign occupations.
“Unfortunately, the proponents of the Council’s “prevention mandate” seem to overlook the relevance and applicability of this mandate to situations of foreign occupation and alien domination leading to gross, systematic and widespread human rights violations,” he added.
He urged the international community and countries supporting the Human Rights Council’s prevention agenda to demonstrate impartiality and for the sake of their own credibility and that of the Council, take decisive actions to address human rights violations and crimes being committed in situations of foreign occupation and alien domination.
He said that it is regrettable that the expressions of racial hatred, religious supremacy and violent nationalism have moved from the fringe to the political mainstream.
He was referring the Indian ruling party BJP and Prime Minister Narendra Modi to closed its eyes over killing of innocent Muslims by Indian forces and extremis Hindus of RSS/BJP in Kashmir and other parts of India.
“ Islamophobia has been mainstreamed in the political discourse of certain political parties and governments that call for expulsion of Muslims, in the politicization and censorship of hijab, in burning of the Holy Quran, in the deliberate vandalizing of Islamic symbols and holy sites, and in attempts at incitement and provocations in the name of free speech through hurtful caricatures and competitions,” Pakistani envoy said.
He said his country strongly condemned the vandalization of several mosques, houses and shops of Muslims few days ago in India.
“These senseless attacks are continuing since last week. The state machinery has reportedly not only failed to protect Muslims and their properties but remained non-responsive to desperate calls for help by the local Muslim organizations. Pakistan calls upon the international community to play its role to stop the rising tide of Islamophobia and attacks against minorities particularly Muslims and ensure their safety, security and well-being and protection of their places of worship and heritage sites.”
During last one week at least 16 Mosques and dozens houses and shops of Muslims in Tripura state of India were attacked by extremis Hindus and killed at least seven innocent people.
The state is currently under communal riots as Vishva Hindu Parishada, a Hindu extremist group and close ally of PM Modi BJP, are carrying out attacks on Muslims in the state.